All tagged New to D&D?

How to Design Maps for Sandbox Campaigns (Part I - World Map)

World Maps are essential for DMs to grasp the big picture and define the type of world in which your campaign is set. Even though it's the first step, and it's not the most crucial map type, but its creation leads to the most important map type creation - Region Maps. The reason is that the players will not use World Maps the most often, but a good World Map is a founding block for everything else.

How To Play D&D Online

I love playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends next to a table with some terrain props, snacking, and laughing next to other people at the table. I always thought it's the best way to do it. But besides, organizing logistical aspects of your game is not the only hardship for playing D&D in these times.

And it's pretty hard to play one of the most social games when the social distancing is settling in our daily routine. But there are other alternatives, that to be honest, are not that bad. They are pretty great and offer new opportunities for your tabletop games, and today let us talk about that.

5 Quick Fixes for New DM's

So, you had a couple of DnD sessions. You got into the hobby, the party is waiting for the next session, everything swell, right? Well, like any other hobby, everybody can improve in their craft, and being a Dungeon Master is not an exception. Let's talk about the common mistakes I see from newly baked DMs and what we can learn from them.

Writing Characters for Your Dungeons And Dragons Game

When writing many characters for your RPG game, how do you find inspiration to distinguish your NPCs from the player's characters? The answer is not the easiest, in my opinion, especially when you need to tie them with your story that you are planning to make as a Dungeon Master. These are a couple of ways that I find inspiration for the characters that appear in my games. With these tips, I find something to write even if I have nothing but a blank page looking at me, looking at me like a buffoon.

How to start a DnD campaign

So you decided you are going to do a campaign or a one-shot? But you still struggling with many convoluted ideas, unclear story you want to tell, well this post will teach you the essential things to get you started as soon as possible to get the game running in no time.

How to Start Playing Dungeons and Dragons

How to start playing D&D? There are many answers. However, playing D&D is rather easy, especially now with the fifth edition of the game, with many resources to get you started, videos to give you a basic understanding of the game, races, and classes. This post is for those that are still new and want a quick crash course to the game. This post can also help DMs (Dungeon Master) who want to share this blog post with their new players to get started as fast as possible.